Recap from my old fotopages..
( source : Agnes Chang )
120 gm self-raising flour - sifted
2 tbsp green tea powder - sifted
70 gm castor sugar
5 eggs yolks
5 tbsp @ 60gm corn oil
3 tbsp fresh milk
1/4 tsp green tea emulco
5 eggs white
60 gm castor sugar
1/4 tsp cream of tartar
300gm whipping cream
150gm sweet red bean
1. Put A into a big mixing bowl and mix till well combined.
2. Whisk B till stiff, add mixture A and mix till well combined.
3. Pour into a lined and greased 20cm/8" square baking tin. Bake in a pre-heated oven at 180c for 30-35 minutes till cooked and golden brown.
4. Removed, leave to cool and slice into 3 layers.
5. Whisk whipping cream till stiff. Spread every layer of cake with whipped cream.
6. Sprinkle half of sweet red bean on top of each layer and stack up neatly.
7. Cover the whole cake with whipped cream and trim the sides neatly. Put the trimmed sides of cakes in a sieve.
8. Rub and press out cake crumbs to cover the top as decoration.
9. Chill in the fridge for 6 hours before serving.